Production Controlling and Monitoring

Improve Your Profitability by Reducing Defects to Below 0.001%

If you are facing at least one of the challenges in manufacturing today…

Such as high competition, product variables, regulations, weaker links between manufacturing and the rest of your business, cost pressures.

…and if your goal is to stay highly competitive in the market…

You will most likely want to improve flexibility, visibility, and operational performance across your manufacturing operations.

…then, our PCM is a solution for you.

Production Controlling and Monitoring (PCM) is a visual and real-time solution for defects reporting and monitoring that increases your profitability by reducing defects to below 0.001%.

Key benefits of our PCM are significant cost reduction and increased productivity through…

  • Exact overview of your production lines
  • Real-time events monitoring & reporting
  • Elimination of unnecessary manual lists and paperwork
  • Easy identification of issues that are causing lower productivity
  • Downtime tracking
  • Both human and machine events reporting to our monitoring system
  • Collecting data via mobile, desktop or industry touch-screen devices
  • Monitoring and maintaining the necessary conditions for healthy and safe environment at work

PCM enables managers to have their eyes on their value streams…

Whether you have higher productivity or defect occurrence, our PCM gives you real-time information about it. You choose between reporting these events via hand-held devices, mobile phones or industry touch-screens in the production line and machine reporting through the integration with PCM.

At your office, you instantaneously track and observe all movements and deviations. PCM provides you with graphical visualization of your production plant with drill-down function. Now you can easily detect the exact point in the system where the event occurred.

On top of that, you can use various historical reports for a deeper analysis of the correlation between defects and total outputs, and increase efficiency for future operations as well.

GET Safe Now – Bringing safety to your organization

Another way that PCM affects your productivity is through its specialized module – GET Safe Now. GET Safe Now preserves health and safety in your work environment, by regularly monitoring working conditions, and constantly reducing the potential risks of injury at work. Find out more on how GET Safe Now protects your business by downloading our brochure.

To explore overall improvement of productivity and cost optimization that we can achieve together with PCM schedule a 1 on 1 with us at

PCM is a reliable partner for increased efficiency.

Call us or schedule a demo to find out how!

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